Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Why I …ran out in front of a car

When I ran in front of that car it was all because I wanted Tom. My husband and I were not getting along and he was keeping me away from everyone in our place. I had seen Tom driving that car earlier when I was looking out the window and I wanted to be ready for him when he drove back. As I saw the car coming I knew it would be my only chance to get to Tom for who knows how long and I felt he would get me out of my horrible situation with George. I ran out into the street out of impulse because I wanted to be with him so much. All I could think about is if Tom stopped the car we could go live our lives together, happily.

What I was feeling …when I was slapped

Tom was always so kind to me, bought me nice things, and showed me affection. We had a nice comfortable relationship and I always felt safe with him around. I loved him so much that I would get so jealous of Daisy, because she could have him all the time. I wanted to marry him but, because of her, I could not so when I taunted him by saying her name it was out of anger. I never thought he would lash out at me and hit me. It made me feel sad that the man I thought loved me dearly would do this. I was hurt and confused by his actions because I thought he would love to leave her for me. I knew after he hit me I would have to stay inside my boundaries because this would clearly end soon if I did not.

Why I … married George

When I first met George I thought he was so handsome. I wanted to spend time with him and get to know him because he seemed like such a gentleman. He was kind to me and always kept me in high spirits. When he asked me to marry him I was excited because I thought everything would stay the same and the way he would make me feel would never change. On the wedding day he borrowed a suit because he could not afford one and I had a feeling we would have a rough time ahead of us. As time went on I began resenting him more and more for not being there for me like he used to and not buying me things to make up for it. My feelings for him changed as I realized how important money was to me. I married George for his personality and wanted to leave him because he had no money.

What I was feeling … when Tom said he could not leave Daisy because of her faith

Tom and I had a great relationship. We would spend time together and he would buy me expensive things. I felt loved when he came to see me and felt happy when he bought me things, like the puppy. I had found my soul mate; the person I should really be with instead of George. I know Tom felt the same way I just had to get him on board with the plan to leave our spouses. When I talked to him about it and he told me no, because Daisy’s faith does not allow it, I felt so incredibly sad. I felt my heart break a little because I was so unhappy at my home and I thought he would jump at the chance for us to be together. Even though I was sad I understood where he was coming from, but I could not help but be mad at Daisy. She had the man I wanted and now that he did not want her, but me, he could not seem to get away. It was all her fault that he could not be with me and that made me so angry I just wanted to get rid of her.

What I was thinking … when George found out I was having an affair

I thought George was so stupid that I could sneak around behind his back and never get caught. I had an image of him being this dumb, poor man who I was with because of my bad luck. I never thought he would find the dog collar and put everything together the way he did. We were having a major fight when he spit it out at me that he knew and I was shocked. Tom did not want any one to know and I was worried what would happen to us if it got out. George seemed so hurt but I did not care at all. It was his fault I cheated because he could not properly provide for me. Now that he knew, I felt I could finally get away and have the life I always wanted with Tom. I began to get excited after I thought about it because now that George knew about the affair he would not want to be with me and we could split. I thought George knowing would open doors for me that were closed before.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

What I was thinking … when I decided to have an affair

My life did not turn out as I had planned. I always wanted to marry someone who could support the luxurious lifestyle I desired. Instead, I ended up marrying George who had little money. I did not live the rich life style and I was quickly tired of it. I knew there were other men out there who could support me like I wanted and when I saw Tom I knew he was the one for me. He was gorgeous, wealthy and I knew he would buy me expensive things if I were his girl. I knew he was married, as was I, but I no longer cared about that technicality. He could give me the nice things I wanted and he made my heart beat the way George did not, so I decided to have an affair.